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True or false? Contact lens myth busting

When it comes to contact lenses, myths and assumptions are very common. Though it is safer to be careful, it’s also important to know how to differentiate the truth from the contact lenses legends. Here’s a list of the most recurrent myths people have in mind when hesitating to switch to contact lenses.

Yes and no, a contact lens can fall from your eyes when the weather is really windy or when your eyes receive a shock, but it’s really not that common. However, contact lenses are made to perfectly match the shape of your eye and should be hard to dislodge. Soft silicone hydrogel lenses mould to the eye’s shape better than rigid lenses, this is why this type of lens is the most popular choice among athletes for example.

Yes. However, there’s a very easy way to see if the lens is in the right position before putting it on your eye. First, check for a visibility tint on the lens. It’s usually blue or green and situated around the edge of the rim. This tint doesn’t interfere with your vision but helps you to see if the lens is in the right position. Don’t hesitate to take a look at our handy guide on how to know if a lens is inside out.

No. Probably the most popular of our contact lens horror stories and is no doubt one you’ve heard before. A contact lens can fall from your eyes, or get stuck in your eyelid, but it can’t go behind your eye. The inner surface of your eyelid, the conjunctiva, makes it impossible for anything to get behind the eye. However, if you rub your eyes while wearing soft silicone lenses, it is possible for the lens to fold itself and to seem stuck in your eyelid. Just like an eyelash, though it’s quite uncomfortable, it’s nothing dramatic for your health. Try not to panic, it’s quite easy to remove, here’s a very handy guide on how to remove a lens from your eye.

False. If you experience dry eyes, the thought of wearing contact lenses might put you off a little. However, contact lenses can be great for dry eyes. You can opt for soft silicone hydrogel contact lenses which allow oxygen to access your eyes. They often include latest moisturizing technology reproducing the natural pH of your tears. You can also opt for a more comfortable wearing pattern such as disposable dailies or biweekly. Last but not least, there are many eye care products designed for dry eyes lock extra moisture and keep your eyes hydrated and healthy throughout the day. What’s more, you don’t have to pay a fortune for them, the everclear eye drops for instance, are only £3.99.

No - Contact lenses sold by approved opticians are actually very safe and are considered medical devices. They can, however, affect the health of your eyes if worn for too long. They should be replaced as recommended on the packaging, also take care with the advised cleaning routine. Don’t hesitate to remove your lens as soon as it starts to feel uncomfortable or irritable. Remember that a comfortable lens should not be felt, it needs to feel like you’re not wearing anything. If you experience a recurring discomfort.

No - you can experience swollen or irritated eyes but the culprit isn’t the contact lens itself, swollen eyes occur when bacteria enter in contact with your eye. This can occur if you shower while wearing contact lenses. Bacteria living in the water can easily get into lenses, this is why we advise taking lenses out when in contact with water.

No. Contact lenses cannot cause high eye pressure, also known as ocular eye pressure. This condition should be treated with caution yes, however, you can still wear contact lenses with ocular pressure, just make sure they are given the “OK” from your optician first.

True… and false. You can feel very slightly dizzy for a short moment while adapting to your contact lenses but it’s not normal nor supposed to last. If it does last, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for guidance, your lenses might not be suited to your correction.

No. You shouldn’t really rub your eyes with or without them. When you wear contact lenses, you do need to be even more careful. Rubbing your eyes can damage your cornea. In addition to that, your fingers might carry harmful bacteria and infect your eyes.

Yes. It’s okay to cry while wearing your contact lenses. However, they can slip out of place slightly if the water content in your eye is too much. If you happened to cry while wearing contact lenses, make sure not to rub your eyes. If you do find yourself having a little cry in lenses, that’s okay! But just make sure you remove them as soon as possible afterwards. For dailies, throw and replace, and for monthlies, just rinse with solution.

No. If you are a beginner contact lenses wearer, you might often hear people saying “it’s okay to wear your lenses a bit longer than what’s written on the box”. However, the problem is the same than sleeping with contact lenses : the consequences of oxygen deprivation can be harmful to your eyes and vision. If you need to wear your contact lenses for a longer period of time, we would recommend you to ask you optician for advice about extended wear contact lenses.

No. If for instance you forget to remove your lenses before sleeping, you might wake up with sore eyes and potential annoying irritations. There’s a very low risk of something dramatic happening after one accidental night with your lenses in but the long term effects can be a bit more harmful. When your eyelids are shut for a while, your eyes receive less oxygen. Deprived from hydration and oxygen, the lenses can dry and lose moisture, making it particularly uncomfortable. This usually causes redness and irritations but keep in mind that more serious eye conditions can develop if it happens too often.

When you wake up, remove your contact lenses immediately. If you are worried your pain is persistent, then consult your eye doctor or GP as soon as possible. If you want to be able to wear contact lenses while you sleep, then speak to your optician for advice on extended wearing pattern contact lenses.

- All our extended wear lenses

No! Swimming with contact lenses is highly discouraged by doctors as contact lenses since water carries way too many harmful bacteria for your eyes. For more information, please see our handy guide to swimming with contact lenses.

No. There are lots of horror stories on the Internet about people who stared at a barbecue charcoal for too long and got their lenses melting on their eyes, it’s nothing more than a horror story. It would take a massive heat to actually melt the lenses, and the person’s skin would have been burnt before a lens would. The only risk to your lens in a situation like this, is for your eyes to dry out because of the smoke. In which case you just need to remove your lenses and allow your eyes to breathe and get oxygen to them. You could also apply eye drops to re-moisture.

False. The cold can make your eyes dry or sensitive but it won’t freeze your contact lenses. It would take extreme cold temperatures for your contact lenses to freeze, and this is highly unlikely.

No. Most people haven’t tried contact lenses before and have a preconception that you can feel rigid plastic in your eye. Even though this type of lens does exist, nowadays most contact lenses are made of a soft silicone hydrogel material.

Our website is full of hints and tricks to help you along your contact lens journey. Feel free to take a look at our handy how to guides. Everything is explained there but if you still have a question, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service by email, phone or via the online chat. They will happily answer any questions you might have.

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